Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Happened to me in 2008

What happened to me in 2008:
- I made the fifty book challenge for the first time! I've listed all the books I finished this year. I've also gotten a helluva lot more books on my stack and my wish list now. I opened up a whole new world of science fiction paying attention to what Anastasia reads. My close friend Kristen from wotmania and I learned our interests are very close as far as reading goes, too.
- I met Brandon Sanderson, my first author, in a Borders in Redmond, WA. He seems like a sweet geek, totally like a normal person. I mean, of course he's a normal person, authors aren't gods. But I was surprised by his humility and devotion to writing. I believe he'll do well by Robert Jordan's legacy.
- I moved from South Carolina to Seattle. A three day trip in a car ride, and a helluva lot of money getting things packed and moving into a new place. But it's much better, despite the lack of sunlight. I think the first year will be worst, and I get depressed in January- April anyway.
- I lived in two other places: Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Hanover, New Jersey. I worked temp in Abq for the end of last year through January of this year. I got to go to my first casino, see my first "real" mountain (the actual prompt to move out west, if you want the truth), ate at this amazing Brazilian restaurant called Tucano's. A few weeks after leaving Abq, I drove up to New Jersey by myself and stayed at a hotel for a two month period. Nick stayed home to pack up the house, but I had Angus and Ollie with me for company. I lost a little bit of weight at this gym across the highway from where I was at, and had a great personal trainer while I was there. Biggest problem being that you can't turn left on main roads in Jersey! I also had two flat tires while there. I loved where I worked, though. Got grand reviews, had a lot of responsibility. Met some friends there as well. Is it weird that I actually miss New Jersey??
- I got to see Miriam for the first time in ages, on the way to Seattle. We took a small detour into the Salt Lake City area where she is currently living. She looks great and seems to have her life in order. Much more than I do! She loved Nick. I didn't get to meet her new husband, though. She is now pregnant with a little girl and working hard to finish her schooling.
- My marriage turned a year old on June 29th. I can't imagine life without my husband. He saved my life, and I mean that literally. Without him, I would have committed suicide eventually, I think. Or gone off with some crazy who would have killed me. Just his mere presence is like a balm to my soul.
- I got snow twice in the month of April (and threw Ollie in it.) Once in Wyoming on the way here (jeez, a lot happened on that trip!) and then once after we got here. We have also gotten a lot this month, which is highly unusual for the northwest, which usually has a mild winter. I'm not complaining, though. I love the snow!
- I've gained about 20 lbs. Ugh, I'd rather not talk about that part. ;)

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